Adam D'Souza profile

Adam D'Souza is an educational consultant and private tutor, helping children and parents around the world navigate the complexity of British schools.

London has some of the highest performing academic schools in the world but the city’s education system can seem complex and difficult to navigate. Many government and private schools in London are academically selective so children moving to Britain need to be fully prepared for entrance exams to secure places at a good school.

Families with modern, progressive values from around the world engage me to help them find the right fit school for their son or daughter by drawing together two strands: academic profile + character fit. You could call it IQ + EQ. Or the balance between classroom + sports pitch, rehearsal room or art studio.

We will plot a pathway for your child that leads to happiness and success. I aim to find educational options which draw on your son or daughter’s talents, and, most importantly, are the right fit for them.

Book a consultation with me